Summer Is Flying By

Summertime is a Great Time to Feed the Birds

Summer is the most heavily bird-populated season in most of North America. Access to bird feeders allows nesting females to spend less time foraging, which can lead to better protection of eggs from predators, earlier fledging of the nestlings and higher survival rates of the broods.

Once fledglings leave the nest, watch as their parents teach them to eat from your feeders. It's a fascinating interaction!


Nesting Super Blend is not JUST for Nesting!

It's a high protein blend made with sunflower chips, peanuts, mealworms, Bark Butter Bits, nutrasaff, tree nuts and calcium  and is attractive to a wide variety of birds when nesting or molting.  High protein is crucial for muscle and feather development in young birds.  After nesting it supports feather health as they gear up for molting.  Feathers are 90% protein!  Offer alone, or blended with other foods. Available in bags or as cylinders.